Southern Light

Door Lamp

Door Lamp

A southerner from the opposite pole where koala nibbles eucalyptus leaves and sleeps in its fork branches; where kangaroos and wallabies leap and bounce; where wombats roam the road on dark nights; where opossums play hide and seek in the burrow of the trees; and where kookaburra laughs  to signal the coming of dawn and the going down of the sun at twilight.

I am generally a happy lady in my prime time now enjoying a single blessedness once again. Though life can sometimes be lonely, there’s a way to commensurate that negative aspect of life by doing something worthwhile.

I am aiming to hit my three scores without tasting any bitter pills and with a positive note, I can do and live without. So far there are many simple interests that keep me busy.

Three cats are my loyal and dedicated companions. More disciplined and meek and affectionate. Not any longer. I was forced to give them away due to some commitments that took me out away in a long while. However, one cat came back to me and I love her very much like my own baby. She loves me spoiling her and she is one that is worth spoiling for. Her name is Lemmy.

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in”~Author Morrie Schwartz

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